Why Tulane

Students enjoy cotton candy at the LBC Birthday Party event
We直播自慰视频檇 completely burn up your data plan if we listed every reason. But as long as you直播自慰视频檙e asking, we直播自慰视频檒l warm you up with a few:

  • Because Tulane offers one of the most flexible degree programs around. Once you直播自慰视频檙e admitted you can take classes in any of our undergraduate schools. Many of our students double- or even triple- major.
  • Because you直播自慰视频檙e personally going to ensure this place will be better off when you leave than when you arrive. All of our students participate in community engagement before graduating.
  • Because you can take classes like 直播自慰视频淣ew Orleans Cities of the Dead,直播自慰视频 about cemetery architecture, or 直播自慰视频淭he Music and Culture of New Orleans直播自慰视频 as part of our (Tulane Inter-颅Disciplinary Experience Seminars) freshman seminars. The classes are cool 颅 but the way so much of what we do is woven into the fabric of our city is even cooler.
  • Because we直播自慰视频檝e got a food truck直播自慰视频攁 food truck!直播自慰视频攐n our meal plan. (And it直播自慰视频檚 named Roulez, which is pretty clever, if you ask us.)
  • Because you and your friends are going places: more than 30 percent of our students during their time here. (You直播自慰视频檙e coming from places, too: Tulanians come from 58 countries and all 50 states.)
  • Because we do our best to make a Tulane education affordable: All freshman are automatically considered for merit awards ranging from $10,000 to $32,000 per year.
  • Because you直播自慰视频檒l be set up for success: our has information and job postings for more than 1,600 companies. If continuing your education is in your plans, Tulane offers a number of 4+1 Master直播自慰视频檚 programs in the Liberal Arts and Science & Engineering. And our graduates are above the national average when it comes to applying to law and medical schools.


Brass band parades across uptown campus during Crawfest

And that直播自慰视频檚 just for starters. Feel free to rattle off any of those when you tell your friends why you直播自慰视频檙e ready to go over 300 miles to get to college. (85% of our students travel that far to get here, and come to think of it, why aren直播自慰视频檛 your friends coming here, too?)

If you need more than bullet points to make a huge decision like where to go to college, though, chew on this.

You直播自慰视频檝e probably figured out that we have the 直播自慰视频渓ife直播自慰视频 part of 直播自慰视频渟chool-颅life balance直播自慰视频 down. The Princeton Review has us at or near the top of the list for Most Engaged in Community (#1), College City (#1), Happiest Students (#4), Best-Run College (#4), Quality of Life (#9) and Most Active Student Government (#12). But the 直播自慰视频渟chool直播自慰视频 part is pretty amazing, too. You直播自慰视频檒l learn from faculty like Walter Isaacson, the best-selling author and former leader of the Aspen Institute, and hear from guests like the Dalai Lama. You直播自慰视频檒l have a chance to explore a city that was founded 300 years ago (but which has roots that go back even farther).

With a nation-wide alumni network of over 140,000 people, many of whom are leaders in their fields, you直播自慰视频檒l always have an in somewhere. And while it直播自慰视频檚 great to have a network, we also know our students are more than capable of doing great things on their own with our shared by an elite group of universities including Duke, Brown, Harvard, Vanderbilt, Emory, and Princeton, and our one-credit career development course, 直播自慰视频淢ajors, Internships, and Jobs,直播自慰视频 that teaches skills in r茅sum茅 building, interview preparation and professional social media.